Salvia coccinea
Several whorls of red to pinkish flowers form an interrupted spike on a square stem. This showy southern native is characterized by the loose, widely spaced nature of the flowering spike. It is found in the hot sands of the South. The flamboyant, cultivated member of this group, Scarlet Sage (S. splendens), was introduced from […]
Salvia engelmannii
Engelmanns Sage is a 1-1 1/2 ft compact mound of velvety, narrow leaves and showy flower spikes. Pale lavender to pale blue, tubular flowers occur on 4-6 in. spikes. The species of this plant is named for George Engelmann (1809-1884) who was born in Germany and settled in St. Louis, Missouri, as a young man. […]
Salvia farinacea
This 2-3 ft. upright or sprawling perennial, usually forms a mound as wide as the plant is tall. Mealy Sage is named for the mealy-white (sometimes purple) appearance of the sepals, which are covered with felted hairs. The blue flowers are 5-lobed and 2-lipped, 2/3-3/4 inch long, with 2 stamens and 1 pistil. They have […]
Salvia greggii
Autumn Sage is a soft, mounding shrub normally 2-3 ft. tall, with small, mintily aromatic green leaves that are evergreen in warmer climates. The flowers are borne on racemes from spring to frost and can be red, pink, purple, orange, or white. Its natural range is from south-central and west Texas south to San Luis […]
Salvia regla
The showy, bright-red, tubular flowers of this ornamental, much-branched shrub occur in loose, terminal racemes. These top 3-5 ft. stems which bear glossy, aromatic, heart-shaped, deciduous leaves.Flowers attract hummingbirds. This plant is disease and insect-free, drought tolerant, and adaptable to a variety of sites
Salvia roemeriana
A red-flowered, hirsute, perennial salvia that grows from 1 to 2 feet tall, with rounded, scalloped leaves, Salvia roemeriana is adapted to grow in the shade and leaf mulch of Juniperus species, especially Juniperus ashei (Ashe Juniper). The leaves are normally 1 to 2 inches wide, and flowers are 1 to 1.5 inches long on […]
Penstemon cobaea
When in bloom, large, tubular flowers line at least half of Cobaea Beardtongue’s 1-3 ft. stems. The flowers are white to violet with dark purple lines inside the floral tube. One to three stout stems rise from a woody rhizome and bear thick, paired leaves which become smaller up the stem. The lower leaves have […]
Monarda citriodora
Known by a number of common names, lemon beebalm is a 1-2+ ft., aromatic winter annual with unusual, tuft-like, lavender to pink, whorled flower heads. Each whorl in the elongated spike is subtended by whitish or lavender, leaf-like bracts. Several stems grow from the base and are lined with pairs of lance-shaped leaves.Horsemint has a […]
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa
Missouri Evening Primrose is a low, occasionally tufted, smooth to hairy perennial herb 4″ to 24″ tall. Stems are spreading to ascending from a thick woody root. Leaves are alternate, simple, narrowly lance-shaped to egg-shaped. Flowers are showy, solitary and yellow
Hibiscus martianus
A leafy-stemmed perennial, growing 1-5 ft. depending on moisture. Prolific, red, 2-3 in. solitary flowers occur at branch tips. The leaves are silvery and heart-shaped.Flowers during the hottest part of the season when other plants are not showy. This plant is everblooming if there is no frost.