Passiflora tenuiloba

A vine with tendrils in leaf axils and bizarre, greenish flowers.Unlike this species, which has evolutionarily lost its petals, most Passiflora have 10 petal-like parts; the common name passionflower relates to the resemblance of these flower parts to aspects of the Crucifixion story. The 10 petal-like parts represent the disciples, excluding Peter and Judas; the […]

Lantana urticoides

A spreading shrub, much branched from the ground upward, branches sometimes with prickles. Frequent in brushy places and in woodlands. Bark light gray to light brown, tending to flake off. Young twigs nearly square in cross section, covered with short hairs visible under a 10x hand lens. Leaves opposite, up to 2 1/2 inches long, […]