Salvia engelmannii
Engelmanns Sage is a 1-1 1/2 ft compact mound of velvety, narrow leaves and showy flower spikes. Pale lavender to pale blue, tubular flowers occur on 4-6 in. spikes. The species of this plant is named for George Engelmann (1809-1884) who was born in Germany and settled in St. Louis, Missouri, as a young man. […]
Tradescantia pedicellata
Named after John Tradescant (1608-1662) who served as gardener to Charles I of England.Tradescantia species will hybridize in just about any combination.
Yucca thompsoniana
Thompson’s yucca grows 6-12 feet high, treelike, with a trunk 5-8 inches in diameter. The trunk is usually unbranched. The leaves are narrow and stiff and grow in a radiating mass near the top; they are 8-24 inches long and about 1/2 inch wide in the middle. They gradually widen from the base to the […]
Ilex vomitoria
Native from southern Virginia south to Florida and west to southeast Oklahoma and central Texas, Yaupon is a picturesque, upright, single- or multi-trunked shrub or small tree, growing 12-45 ft high but usually no higher than 25 ft. Female plants produce prodigious amounts of bright red, persistent berries. The leaves are dark green and small, […]
Juglans nigra
Black walnut is a large, rugged, deciduous tree, 50-75 ft. in height and width, sometimes reaching 150 ft. tall. Dark, furrowed bark on the trunk. Wide-spreading branches form an upright, umbrella-like crown in the woods or a round-topped crown in the open. The well-formed trunk is usually devoid of branches a considerable distance from the […]
Cotinus obovatus
American smoketree is an upright, small tree or multi-trunked shrub, growing 15-30 ft. tall. Has a short trunk, open crown of spreading branches, resinous sap with a strong odor, and deep orange-yellow heartwood. Six to ten inch flower panicles develop long, red or purple, hairlike petioles that, in the crowded flower clusters, create a smoky […]