Prunus mexicana

Bigtree or Mexican plum is a single-trunked, non-suckering tree, 10-35 ft. tall, with fragrant, showy, white flowers displayed before the leaves appear. Mature trunks become satiny, blue-gray with darker, horizontal striations. Leaves up to 5 inches long and 2 inches wide, ovate to narrower with serrate margins; minute glands on the petiole near the base […]

Sophora secundiflora

Mescal bean or Texas mountain laurel is an evergreen, usually multi-trunked shrub or small tree ranging from just a few feet tall to more than 30 ft. in height, though its usual height at maturity is 10-15 ft. The dense, dark green, and glossy compound leaves are composed of 7-9 shiny, leathery leaflets that are […]

Mahonia swaseyi

Shrub up to 3 or 6 feet tall. Leaves up to 3 inches long, with 2 to 4 pairs of leaflets and a terminal one on a central axis; leaflets firm textured, evergreen, margins with spiny teeth, veins prominent on the lower surface. Flowers yellow, about 3/8 inch wide, appearing from late February to early […]

Mahonia trifoliolata

This 3-6 ft. evergreen shrub, can reach 10 ft. in favorable conditions. The rigid, spreading branches often form thickets. Gray-green to blue-gray, trifoliate, holly-like leaves are alternate, 2-4 inches long, divided into three leaflets which have 3-7 lobes ending in sharp spines. Wood bright yellow. Flowers numerous, yellow, up to 1/2 inch wide with 6 […]

Diospyros texana

Shrub or small tree with very hard wood, usually multi-trunked. Normally 10-15 ft tall but can reach 35 ft, or more, in the southern parts of its range. Common in brushy areas on level uplands, stony hillsides, and lower slopes from Houston and Bryan, Texas, in the east, west to Big Bend in west Texas […]

Cercis canadensis var. mexicana

Deciduous 5-12 feet multi-stemmed shrub or small tree. Leaves simple, cordate, alternate, leathery, glossy green, with undulating margins. Flowers red. Fruit a pod to 10 cm long.Mexican redbud is smaller in stature, has smaller, glossier, and more wavy-edged leaves, and is more drought tolerant than Texas redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis).