Ulmus crassifolia

Cedar elm is a large, oval-rounded tree growing 50-70 ft. high and 40-60 ft. wide. Bark is scaly and the drooping branches have corky ridges. Dark-green leaves are small and rough-textured. Leaves much smaller than those of the American Elm, Fall foliage is yellow except in the southern part of the range where it is […]

Vernonia baldwinii

Western ironweed’s 3-5 ft. stems occur singly or in clumps, and are stout and hairy. Wide clusters of vibrant, red-violet flowers form at the ends of short branches near the top of the plant. Because the flowers are all of the disc variety, the 6 in. wide flower cluster has a fuzzy appearance. Long, lance-shaped […]

Eryngium leavenworthii

Leavenworth’s Eryngo is a prickly, 20-42 in. annual with a leafy stem, broadly branched in the upper portion. Almost the entire plant has some shade of purple. Flowers are minute, purple, and mingled with small, spiny bracts in an elongated, terminal, head-like cluster. These are subtended by conspicuous spiny-tipped bracts. The leaves are deeply lobed, […]

Hilaria belangeri var. belangeri

Curly-mesquite is a tufted, perennial grass sending out slender stolons which produce new tufts in the internodes. The flowering culms are to 1 ft. tall with a slender spike. Twisted, grayish-green leaf blades, 4-6 in. tall, are covered with long, silvery, curly hairs.

Conoclinium coelestinum

Mistflower grows to 3 feet high, but often lower, with leaves opposite, somewhat triangular in shape, and bluntly toothed. At the top of the plant the branches, with their short-stemmed clusters of flowers, form an almost flat top. Disc flowers are bright blue or violet, about 1/4 inch long. There are no ray flowers.Blue Mistflower […]