Vernonia lindheimeri

Woolly ironweed is a 10-30 in. high clump of gray-woolly stems and leaves. Flowers lack petals, but numerous lavender to purple disc flowers are arranged in showy, terminal clusters.Not a rampant colonizer like some other members of this genus. Well behaved species.This species is named after Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer (1801-1879) who is often called the […]

Campsis radicans

A high-climbing, aggressively colonizing woody vine to 35 ft., climbing or scrambling over everything in its path by aerial rootlets. The pinnately compound leaves up to 12 inches long, with typically 3 to 6 pairs of leaflets and a single terminal one. Leaflets dark green on the upper surface, lighter on the lower, broadly to […]

Asclepias viridiflora

Green Comet Milkweed is a perennial from a vertical rootstock. Two foot tall stems are mostly solitary or in pairs and bear opposite leaves up to four inches long. Leaves are variable in shape with plants from dry sites having long narrow leaves and those from moist sites having round leaves. 20-80 pale green flowers […]