Chilopsis linearis

Desert-willow is a 15-40 ft., slender-twigged, small tree or large shrub, often with leaning, twisting trunk and open, spreading crown. Leaves are deciduous, willow-like, light green, both opposite and alternate, 4-12 inches long and 1/3 inch wide. The blossom is funnel-shaped, 1-1 1/2 inches long, spreading at the opening into 5 ruffled, petal-like lobes. The […]

Clematis texensis

Scarlet Leather-flower or Scarlet Clematis is an herbaceous to slightly woody vine, climbing to 10 ft. Bell-shaped flowers, blooming only on new growth, are held in axillary clusters of one to seven. The flower petals are actually thick, leather-like, scarlet-colored sepals. A feathery ball of plumed seeds follows the floral display. Stems are bare for […]

Cooperia pedunculata

Rain lilies pop up and bloom two or three days after good rains in the spring and early summer. They begin to open slowly about dusk and are fully opened the next morning. Flowers are trumpet-shaped for a few hours after opening, but the 3 petals and 3 sepals, all white, spread widely to 2 […]

Ageratina havanensis

Havana snakeroot or mistflower is a rounded shrub, 2-6 ft. tall, with many much-branched stems arising from the base. Leaf blades triangular to roughly ovate or narrower, up to 3 inches long, with 3 main veins; margins wavy to coarsely toothed, tip pointed, and the base broadly tapered to almost perpendicular. Opposite leaves hang from […]

Aquilegia canadensis

This is an erect, branching perennial, up to 3 ft. tall, well-known for its showy flowers. A nodding, red and yellow flower with upward spurred petals alternating with spreading, colored sepals and numerous yellow stamens hanging below the petals. The compound leaves, divided into round-lobed threes, are attractive in their own right.This beautiful woodland wildflower […]