Salvia roemeriana
A red-flowered, hirsute, perennial salvia that grows from 1 to 2 feet tall, with rounded, scalloped leaves, Salvia roemeriana is adapted to grow in the shade and leaf mulch of Juniperus species, especially Juniperus ashei (Ashe Juniper). The leaves are normally 1 to 2 inches wide, and flowers are 1 to 1.5 inches long on […]
Styphnolobium affine
Eves necklace, a 15-30 ft., spineless shrub or tree, bears light-green, graceful leaflets and fragrant, pink, wisteria-like blooms. A tall shrub or small tree with thin, scaly, reddish brown bark on older wood and with smooth twigs. On limestone slopes, in valley bottoms, and on soils underlain with limestone in upland situations. Seeds reputed to […]
Solidago gigantea
Giant Goldenrod, Solidago gigantea, is a smooth-stemmed goldenrod with arching flower stalks bearing flower heads to 1/4 of an inch (6 mm) long
Senna roemeriana
This attractive perennial maintains a neat mound shape and grows 1-2 ft. tall. Its showy, yellow, pea-like flowers occur in upper axillary clusters. The leaves are long-stalked and uniquely divided into two leaflets about 1 1/2 inches long.Named for Ferdinand Roemer, a German geologist who collected specimens in the New Braunfels, Texas, area from 1845-47
Viburnum rufidulum
This viburnum is a shrub or tree, usually growing to 18 ft. but sometimes taller with bark separating into dark, rectangular plates. Twigs reddish brown with a thin light gray coating. Leaves in pairs, often on short spurs, the petioles covered with rust colored, branched hairs visible under a l0x hand lens; blades up to […]
Ulmus crassifolia
Cedar elm is a large, oval-rounded tree growing 50-70 ft. high and 40-60 ft. wide. Bark is scaly and the drooping branches have corky ridges. Dark-green leaves are small and rough-textured. Leaves much smaller than those of the American Elm, Fall foliage is yellow except in the southern part of the range where it is […]
Tradescantia edwardsiana
Named after John Tradescant (1608-1662) who served as gardener to Charles I of England.Tradescantia species will hybridize in just about any combination
Tripsacum dactyloides
Usually 2-3 ft. in height, can grow 12 ft. tall. It is interesting primarily for its terminal inflorescences which have separate male and female flowers. Stigmas are purple; stamens orange. The plant is a perennial.Deer eat the hard, yellow seeds of this plant.
Melica nitens
Small florets, 2 or 3 in number, but 2 most common in the southern parts of its range, which dangle in loose panicles on the slender, arching stems of this 3-5 ft. grass. Leaf blades usually flattened. Spikelets longer than they are wide.A very graceful-looking, rhizomatous, cool-season grass usually found in part-shade in savannahs and […]
Passiflora tenuiloba
A vine with tendrils in leaf axils and bizarre, greenish flowers.Unlike this species, which has evolutionarily lost its petals, most Passiflora have 10 petal-like parts; the common name passionflower relates to the resemblance of these flower parts to aspects of the Crucifixion story. The 10 petal-like parts represent the disciples, excluding Peter and Judas; the […]