Plant Type: Perennial

Lonicera albiflora

Usually a 4 ft. deciduous shrub, the long, graceful, sometimes twining branches of white honeysuckle can reach 10 ft. in height. Leaves paired, broadly oval, up to 2 3/4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches wide but usually half these dimensions, rounded at the tip, with a minute point, smooth margins, and rounded or tapered at the base. The pair of leaves immediately below the flowers fused at their bases. Showy, white flowers two lipped, up to 5/8 inch long occur in 2-3 in. clusters at the ends of the branches. and are followed by clusters of orange-red fruit. Fruit a berry up to 3/8 inch in diameter.The plant serves as browse for deer. Its berries attract birds.The genus, Lonicera, is named for Adam Lonicer (1528 – 1586), a German botanist noted for his 1557 revised version of Eucharius Rösslin’s herbal. He became professor of Mathematics in 1553 and Doctor of Medicine in 1554, becoming the town physician in Frankfurt-am-Main. His true interest though was herbs and the study of botany
Plant Type: White
Light Requirements: Sun , Part Shade
Max Height: 4-10 feet tall