Linum berlandieri var. berlandieri
Named for French-Swiss physician Jean Louis Berlandier (1805-1851) who collected plants in Texas and northern Mexico
Leucophyllum frutescens
A gray shrub with leaves densely covered with stellate, silvery hairs and bright pink-lavender, bilaterally symmetrical flowers borne singly in crowded leaf axils. Typically a compact shrub, 2-5 ft. tall, Texas Barometer Bush or Cenizo occasionally reaches 10 ft. in height, and 4-6 ft. in width. Leaves silvery gray to greenish, soft to the touch, […]
Lantana urticoides
A spreading shrub, much branched from the ground upward, branches sometimes with prickles. Frequent in brushy places and in woodlands. Bark light gray to light brown, tending to flake off. Young twigs nearly square in cross section, covered with short hairs visible under a 10x hand lens. Leaves opposite, up to 2 1/2 inches long, […]
Juniperus virginiana
Evergreen, aromatic tree with trunk often angled and buttressed at base and narrow, compact, columnar crown; sometimes becoming broad and irregular. Pyramidal when young, Eastern Red Cedar mature form is quite variable. This evergreen usually grows 30-40 ft. but can reach 90 ft. Fragrant, scale-like foliage can be coarse or fine-cut, and varies in color […]
Ilex vomitoria
Native from southern Virginia south to Florida and west to southeast Oklahoma and central Texas, Yaupon is a picturesque, upright, single- or multi-trunked shrub or small tree, growing 12-45 ft high but usually no higher than 25 ft. Female plants produce prodigious amounts of bright red, persistent berries. The leaves are dark green and small, […]
Dasylirion texanum
This short-trunked desert perennial is often mistaken for yucca. A 9-15 ft. flower stalk, bearing a 2-3 ft. spike of yellowish flowers, is subtended by a basal cluster of dark, bluish-green leaves with evenly-spaced spines and a wide, cupped base. The leaf cluster is 1 1/2-2 1/2 ft. tall. Trunks split open during dry spells, […]
Delphinium carolinianum
This is a slender, upright perennial, with unbranched stems usually from 1-3 ft. tall. White to pale blue, spurred flowers in a narrow cluster on a finely downy stalk. Pale blue to white, spurred flowers appear in a narrow, terminal spike. Leaves are divided and lobed into narrow segments. Basal leaves often form a winter […]
Diospyros texana
Shrub or small tree with very hard wood, usually multi-trunked. Normally 10-15 ft tall but can reach 35 ft, or more, in the southern parts of its range. Common in brushy areas on level uplands, stony hillsides, and lower slopes from Houston and Bryan, Texas, in the east, west to Big Bend in west Texas […]
Echinacea angustifolia
The many stout stems of this perennial are 18-24+ in. tall and rarely branched. Oblong leaves are covered with stiff hairs. The flower heads, borne singly atop the stems, have pinkish-lavender rays drooping from a dark, spiny, cone-shaped center. Echinacea angustifolia tends to look poorly in its native habitat but often thrives in cultivation
Eryngium leavenworthii
Leavenworth’s Eryngo is a prickly, 20-42 in. annual with a leafy stem, broadly branched in the upper portion. Almost the entire plant has some shade of purple. Flowers are minute, purple, and mingled with small, spiny bracts in an elongated, terminal, head-like cluster. These are subtended by conspicuous spiny-tipped bracts. The leaves are deeply lobed, […]