Ulmus crassifolia
Cedar elm is a large, oval-rounded tree growing 50-70 ft. high and 40-60 ft. wide. Bark is scaly and the drooping branches have corky ridges. Dark-green leaves are small and rough-textured. Leaves much smaller than those of the American Elm, Fall foliage is yellow except in the southern part of the range where it is […]
Tradescantia gigantea
Named after John Tradescant (1608-1662) who served as gardener to Charles I of England.Tradescntia species will hybridize in just about any combination.
Phacelia congesta
Caterpillars or blue curls is a leafy annual or biennial which grows 1-3 ft. tall. Its purple to lavender-blue, bell-shaped flowers, deeply lobed at the rim, have conspicuously protruding stamens. The flowers are numerous, in slender, coiled clusters which uncurl as the buds develop. Leaves are soft and deeply cut, appearing ragged-looking. The plant is […]
Penstemon cobaea
When in bloom, large, tubular flowers line at least half of Cobaea Beardtongue’s 1-3 ft. stems. The flowers are white to violet with dark purple lines inside the floral tube. One to three stout stems rise from a woody rhizome and bear thick, paired leaves which become smaller up the stem. The lower leaves have […]
Panicum virgatum
Clump-forming, warm-season grass with open, lacy sprays with small seeds, Aug-Oct. Purple stigmas at flowering time. Switchgrass is a 3-10 ft., rhizomatous, loose sod former with a large, open, finely textured, reddish-purple seedhead. Fall color is pale yellow. Bright green leaves occur up and down the stem, turning bright yellow in fall. Switchgrass is a […]
Muhlenbergia reverchonii
Seep Muhly is a 1-3 ft. grass with dense tufts of slender stems and foliage. Old basal sheaths form a curly, fibrous mass at the base of the plant. The seed head is delicate, purplish and branching. In central Texas, it hybridizes naturally with the much larger Muhlenbergia lindheimeri to form Muhlenbergia x involuta.Native to […]
Muhlenbergia lindheimeri
Muhlenbergia lindheimeri is a 2-5 ft. perennial bunchgrass with fine foliage and a fountain-like form. Seedheads are silvery.Native from the Edwards Plateau of central Texas south to northern Mexico, Big muhly or Lindheimer’s muhly has become increasingly popular since the 1980s as an elegant, large-scale specimen grass, large enough for screening. It can be a […]
Monarda fistulosa
Wild bergamot, known by many other common names, is a popular and showy perennial. Clusters of lavender, pink or white flowers, looking like ragged pompoms, bloom atop 2-5 ft., open-branched stems.This showyperennial, frequently cultivated, has aromatic leaves used to make mint tea. Oil from the leaves was formerly used to treat respiratory ailments. The leaves […]
Melica nitens
Small florets, 2 or 3 in number, but 2 most common in the southern parts of its range, which dangle in loose panicles on the slender, arching stems of this 3-5 ft. grass. Leaf blades usually flattened. Spikelets longer than they are wide.A very graceful-looking, rhizomatous, cool-season grass usually found in part-shade in savannahs and […]
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii
This spreading shrub, often as broad as high, grows 2-3 ft., sometimes reaching 10 ft. Bright-red, pendant, hibiscus-like flowers never fully open, their petals overlapping to form a loose tube with the staminal column protruding, said to resemble a Turkish turban, hence its most common name, Turk’s Cap. Especially useful in shady situations.The variety name […]