Machaeranthera tanacetifolia

Branched stems with fern-like leaves ending in flower heads with many bright purple, very narrow rays surrounding a yellow central disc. Tahoka Daisy is a low, spreading, 6-36 in. annual with delicate but showy, aster-like flowers. Numerous lavender rays surround a yellow center. The stems are densely covered with sharp-pointed, deeply cut leaves which appear […]

Lonicera sempervirens

High-climbing, twining vine, 3-20 ft. long, with smooth, glossy, paired, semi-evergreen leaves and 2-4 flowered clusters of red, tubular blooms followed by bright-red berries. Leaves ovate to oblong with smooth, rolled down margins and a blunt or short pointed tip those immediately below the flowers fused at the base. This vine has showy, trumpet-shaped flowers, […]

Liatris pycnostachya

The stems of this showy perennial are 2-5+ ft. tall, and nearly half of this is the flower spike. A spike of rayless, rose-purple (rarely white), cylindrical, stalkless flower heads densely crowded on a coarse, hairy, very leafy stem. Stamens and styles protrude from the purple, tufted flower heads, creating a fuzzy appearance. Flowers bloom […]

Ipomopsis rubra

The stiff, unbranched, 2-4 ft. stem of this sparsely leaved biennial can reach 6 ft. Showy, red, tubular flowers, widely flaring at the rim, are marked with orange or yellowish spots inside. Flowers are arranged in a thick spike, opening from the tip of the stem downward.

Ilex decidua

Deciduous holly or possum haw is a small, deciduous tree or shrub,15-30 ft. tall, with pale gray, twiggy, horizontal branches. Glossy, oval, toothed leaves remain dark green through autumn, finally turning yellow. Inconspicuous flowers precede clusters of persistant, red berries on female trees which provide winter color.Possum Haw is conspicuous in winter, with its many, […]

Echinacea purpurea

A popular perennial with smooth, 2-4 ft. stems and long-lasting, lavender flowers. Rough, scattered leaves that become small toward the top of the stem. Flowers occur singly atop the stems and have domed, purplish-brown, spiny centers and drooping, lavender rays. An attractive perennial with purple (rarely white), drooping rays surrounding a spiny, brownish central disc. […]

Engelmannia peristenia

The several stout stems of this perennial usually grow 2 ft. tall and are branched above to form a rounded crown. Long-stalked, yellow, eight-petaled flowers open in late afternoon then fold under in intense heat and sunlight the next day. There are few to several flowers in the terminal clusters about 1 1/2 inches across. […]

Erythrina herbacea

Coralbean is a low, glossy-leaved, thorny shrub to 6 ft., or taller, with many herbaceous, annual stems arising from the woody lower stem and perennial root. The long-petioled, leaflets are distinctively arrowhead-shaped. Leaves are alternate, scattered along the stem, 3 leaflets forming the leaf, which is often prickly beneath. The leaves are 3-5 inches long […]

Gaillardia pulchella

Firewheel or Indian Blanket is a popular annual growing 1-2+ ft. tall. The hairy stem is usually much-branched and becomes woody at the base late in the season. Branched stems, mostly leafy near the base, have showy flower heads with rays red at base, tipped with yellow, each with 3 teeth at broad end. The […]

Gaillardia suavis

Perfumeballs or Rayless Gaillardia is a slender, upright, clumped perennial, to about 30 in. tall, often forming dense stands. Fragrant, solitary flowers are terminal on leafless stalks. Rays are few, yellow to orange or red, very short, and soon falling off. Reddish-brown disc flowers are numerous, forming a rounded, pincushion-like head. Leaves are all basal.Not […]