Lonicera sempervirens
High-climbing, twining vine, 3-20 ft. long, with smooth, glossy, paired, semi-evergreen leaves and 2-4 flowered clusters of red, tubular blooms followed by bright-red berries. Leaves ovate to oblong with smooth, rolled down margins and a blunt or short pointed tip those immediately below the flowers fused at the base. This vine has showy, trumpet-shaped flowers, […]
Lonicera albiflora
Usually a 4 ft. deciduous shrub, the long, graceful, sometimes twining branches of white honeysuckle can reach 10 ft. in height. Leaves paired, broadly oval, up to 2 3/4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches wide but usually half these dimensions, rounded at the tip, with a minute point, smooth margins, and rounded or tapered […]
Leucophyllum frutescens
A gray shrub with leaves densely covered with stellate, silvery hairs and bright pink-lavender, bilaterally symmetrical flowers borne singly in crowded leaf axils. Typically a compact shrub, 2-5 ft. tall, Texas Barometer Bush or Cenizo occasionally reaches 10 ft. in height, and 4-6 ft. in width. Leaves silvery gray to greenish, soft to the touch, […]
Juglans nigra
Black walnut is a large, rugged, deciduous tree, 50-75 ft. in height and width, sometimes reaching 150 ft. tall. Dark, furrowed bark on the trunk. Wide-spreading branches form an upright, umbrella-like crown in the woods or a round-topped crown in the open. The well-formed trunk is usually devoid of branches a considerable distance from the […]
Ipomopsis rubra
The stiff, unbranched, 2-4 ft. stem of this sparsely leaved biennial can reach 6 ft. Showy, red, tubular flowers, widely flaring at the rim, are marked with orange or yellowish spots inside. Flowers are arranged in a thick spike, opening from the tip of the stem downward.
Ilex decidua
Deciduous holly or possum haw is a small, deciduous tree or shrub,15-30 ft. tall, with pale gray, twiggy, horizontal branches. Glossy, oval, toothed leaves remain dark green through autumn, finally turning yellow. Inconspicuous flowers precede clusters of persistant, red berries on female trees which provide winter color.Possum Haw is conspicuous in winter, with its many, […]
Echinacea angustifolia
The many stout stems of this perennial are 18-24+ in. tall and rarely branched. Oblong leaves are covered with stiff hairs. The flower heads, borne singly atop the stems, have pinkish-lavender rays drooping from a dark, spiny, cone-shaped center. Echinacea angustifolia tends to look poorly in its native habitat but often thrives in cultivation
Diospyros texana
Shrub or small tree with very hard wood, usually multi-trunked. Normally 10-15 ft tall but can reach 35 ft, or more, in the southern parts of its range. Common in brushy areas on level uplands, stony hillsides, and lower slopes from Houston and Bryan, Texas, in the east, west to Big Bend in west Texas […]
Echinacea purpurea
A popular perennial with smooth, 2-4 ft. stems and long-lasting, lavender flowers. Rough, scattered leaves that become small toward the top of the stem. Flowers occur singly atop the stems and have domed, purplish-brown, spiny centers and drooping, lavender rays. An attractive perennial with purple (rarely white), drooping rays surrounding a spiny, brownish central disc. […]
Erythrina herbacea
Coralbean is a low, glossy-leaved, thorny shrub to 6 ft., or taller, with many herbaceous, annual stems arising from the woody lower stem and perennial root. The long-petioled, leaflets are distinctively arrowhead-shaped. Leaves are alternate, scattered along the stem, 3 leaflets forming the leaf, which is often prickly beneath. The leaves are 3-5 inches long […]